
See Sample Polices below

Secure Digital Forms:

CURRENT CLIENTS: you can securely conduct many account management activities through PandaDoc.

SIMPLY EMAIL: and then we will get the ball rolling through PandaDoc.

Account Holder Forms:

New Investment Management Clients: If your church/organization is a new client of the Foundation, complete the Investment Management Agreement (IMA):

New Clients for Donor Advised Funds, Permanent and Term Endowments, and Other Major Gifts: If you are giving a major gift to create a new fund, complete the Gift Agreement:

Current Client: If your church/organization is already a client of the Foundation (and has a signed IMA on file) and would like to open a new account, please complete the Allocation Authorization Form below. If you would like to appoint signature authorities for the new account who are different from the people listed in your IMA, please also complete the “Authorized Signers Update Form” for the new account (we will create the new account number and record it on the forms). If you would like to only update signature authorities or reallocate funds within an account, complete the relevant form(s):

Distributions: To withdraw funds, transfer funds between your Foundation accounts, or create a spending policy and distribution plan, complete the following form:

Contributions: To invest additional funds to an account, mail to the Foundation office a check made payable to “Midwest Methodist Foundation” and memo the account name(s) or #(s). Please accompany the check with the Allocation Authorization Form directing how the funds are to be in invested: account name(s), account #(s); specific allocation for that one-time addition, and other pertinent instructions. Without specific one-time allocation directions, additional investments will be invested according to the default allocation percentages on file.

If transferring funds by wire, please contact the Foundation office first to get detailed instructions.

Once completed, scan the forms to PDF and email them to the Foundation office at

See the top of the forms or the bottom of this website for contact information.

Sample Policies:

These sample policies and documents are adapted from the community of United Methodist Foundations to help local churches create healthy stewardship practices and controls for investment accounts, such as endowments and “board restricted” funds.