
The Foundation’s grants program annually offers funding up to $2,000 to several local churches and church-related organizations as they develop new or expanded creative ministries. A “church-related organization” is any organization within our conference area that partners with a local United Methodist church and/or members of the United Methodist Church in our conference.

The Foundation has granted more than $1,000,000 to 200+ ministries since 1999. See some of the stories here.

Refer to the Grant Guidelines for more information.
Applications are accepted via Google Forms no later than September 15.

Click this Google Form to submit your grant APPLICATION by the end of September 15.


Received a grant for 2024 and need to submit your grant evaluation?

Click this Google Form to submit your grant EVALUATION by August 31.


Still have questions after reading the Grant Guidelines?

Contact Demetra Kidd at .