Many Foundation services are designed for the local church, such as the Generosity Hotline with Horizons Stewardship.
The Foundation offers investment management services for local church-owned funds. More than 140 clients—local churches and several church-related organizations—partner with the Foundation to benefit from investment management services, as well as 100+ individuals through life income gifts.
The Foundation consults with church groups to develop and promote endowment funds and planned giving programs. We assist in developing policies for accepting gifts and making prudent investment decisions. We make presentations, provide workshops, and preach on planned giving topics and lifelong stewardship. The Foundation has many additional resources that can assist local churches in their stewardship ministry.
Visit the Foundation’s Planned Giving website ( for a wealth of information and resources about how to provide long-lasting support for your church through creative planning.
Visit the Resources page for Foundation-related forms, policies, and the Planned Giving Handbook.
Visit the Local Church Administration page to explore the vast resources available to guide local church administration.
Also offered by the Foundation:
- Grants Ministry. Since 1999, the Foundation has distributed more than $1.2 million to 200+ ministries across northern Illinois.
- Scholarships:
- Uplifting Young Methodists Scholarship
- Dollars for Scholars (The Foundation participates in this matching program of the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation.)