Stewardship Summit 2020

Four 2020 Workshops for Vital Vintage Churches

Saturdays, 9:00 am, Video & Zoom

Sep. 19, Oct. 3, Oct. 24, Nov. 21, 2020

Winter 2021 Stewardship Plan Consultation

Presenter: Rev. Dr. Michael Piazza, Agile Church

Feedback from the August 15 gathering on Zoom with 125 people from 98 churches and five organizations:

“A common-sense approach to conversations about what it means to be the church, and how to approach ministry in this post-COVID age is just what we need right now. The target of helping “traditional churches” to thrive under adverse circumstances is exactly the strategic approach that we need to hear right now!” – Rev. Dr. Katherine Thomas Paisley, Oak Park: First UMC

“The presentation was great. It started me thinking about how our church can further adapt to COVID-19 and how we need to change to be successful in post-COVID-19.” – Rev. Dr. Addison Shields, Jr., former District Superintendent, Chicago: Southern District

“This is the seminar everyone should attend to learn how to help your church grow no matter the size.” – Donna Szoke, Channahon UMC

“I found the Summit’s message uplifting and timely, giving hope where there had been only frustration in our stewardship pursuits.” – John Tiffin, Skokie: Central UMC

Zoom presentation on August 15, 2020

What’s a “vintage” church? Churches with “pews, stained glass windows, hymns, and organs.” Go to minute 13 in the video above to learn more about Rev. Piazza’s description of “vintage” churches.

Join us at 9:00 am on four Saturdays, September through November, for workshops of video coaching and engaging in live Q&A with Rev. Piazza. The four workshops will focus on how to make practical changes in the area of stewardship and to focus your church on a clear vision for future vitality.

1. Agile Church will present four video workshops of approximately 45 minutes with corresponding live virtual Q&A from September to November (9:00 am, Saturdays, 9/19, 10/3, 10/24, 11/21):

(The videos will be recorded and viewable by registered participants, so it is not absolutely necessary to attend each and every Saturday morning, but that is when the live engagement will happen with Rev. Piazza.)

2. Each church will be invited to submit a plan for shifting from pledging to Automatic Recurring Giving and year-round stewardship in their setting. The staff of Agile Church and Agile Technology will respond to the plans and will be available for consultation during the first three months of 2021.

3. Each church will receive a free technology review of their websites and giving systems and a free “Giving System” page ( No cost and no obligation.

Download PDF

The total cost for the four workshops and the 2021 consultation for each church is $250, which will be shared equally by the Foundation ($125) and by each local church ($125), inclusive of multiple persons from each local church. Each and every participant must register.

Agile typically charges a single church thousands of dollars for the full-day, on-site version of these workshops and consultation. By gathering together as a critical mass of local churches in the NIC, the Foundation can partner with Agile to bring a virtual version of their robust consultation to your local church for $125 each!

You and your church will want to take advantage of this incredible offer!

As Rev. Piazza mentioned on Aug. 15, Agile will provide copies of his two books below at cost ($7.50 a book) to any number of people on your local church’s leadership teams. These books are full of inspiration, encouragement, and practical, real-world advice to promote vitality in your local church. We highly recommend you incorporate these books into your vitalization efforts.

To purchase books, please visit this website.

Rev. Piazza is a native of Georgia, prolific author, and has served churches in Texas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Florida, Connecticut, and, now, New York. He holds bachelor’s degrees in history and psychology from Valdosta State University; a Master of Divinity from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta; and a doctorate from Hartford Seminary, where he is a faculty associate teaching congregational renewal. He also is the founder and president of Agile Church Consulting.

Different Drummers episode on August 1, 2020

The Foundation hosts summits led by experts in encouraging generosity and promoting healthy stewardship cultures within local churches. Some of the past summit leaders have been Molly Baskette, Clif Christopher, Saul Ebema, Kristine Miller, Mike Slaughter, and Lovett Weems. Typically the stewardship summit takes place on a Saturday in August.

Visit the posts of recent stewardship summits below:

Summit 2018, Set the Tone of Generosity with Testimony (Saul Ebema)

Summit 2017, Stewardship for Real People: Flaws and All (Molly Baskette)